Tech Money In Nigeria

By Olawande
5 min read
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A growing portion of our lives is now impacted by the digital world. Jobs that we previously could not have imagined exist today because of technology.

Nigeria is an incredibly vibrant country with a rapidly growing tech industry. Making money in tech in Nigeria can be difficult, but it's certainly not impossible! With the right strategy and a bit of hard work, anyone can tap into this lucrative market and start earning money from their technology investments. There are various ways to monetize technology-related businesses, from creating apps or selling digital products to providing consultation services. With access to the right resources and support networks, anyone with enough grit and perseverance could turn their idea into something profitable. Here are some things you should know about making money in tech: 

1. Identify your niche

The first step to making money in tech in Nigeria is to identify your target audience. Are you looking to provide services or products to businesses? Or are you looking for individual consumers? Once you've identified who you're aiming to serve, then you'll need to develop the appropriate business model that best meets their needs. For example, if you decide to offer services such as web development or graphic design, consider setting up monthly subscription plans or charging on a per-project basis. This is to cater to all audiences as some people might not need your services all through the month, so it’s better they pay per project.  

2. Do your market research

It's also important to understand the local technology landscape before entering the Nigerian tech market. This means researching current trends, understanding the latest technologies being used by companies and customers alike, and developing an understanding of what types of services and products are already available. Knowing all these things will help you craft an effective business plan and determine which areas offer the most potential for success. It is important to keep up with current trends when working in the Nigerian tech space. You should ensure that your product remains competitive, be it through innovation, design, or customer service. Additionally, using existing tools and platforms such as Google Ads and WordPress can help boost sales and visibility while keeping costs low. This will ultimately result in higher returns on investment.

3. Learn a lucrative tech skill

Nigeria is an ever-changing landscape of innovation and growth, making it an ideal place to learn a lucrative tech skill. With the country's diverse range of industries and its competitive job market, having a sought-after technology skill can open up many doors of opportunity. From coding to web development to software engineering, mastering these skill sets can give you an edge in the Nigerian labor force, as well as help you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to future technological advancements. Furthermore, the increasing number of businesses investing in technology means that the demand for skilled tech workers is consistently on the rise. Learning a new tech skill can be both financially rewarding and intellectually stimulating - from increased income potential to acquiring valuable knowledge that will last a lifetime. There is a wide variety of skills that are very lucrative and worthy of learning. 

Some of these skills include Digital marketing, Freelancing, Web development, Affiliate Marketing, Data Analysis, Blockchain/ Crypto Trading,  Project Management, Graphic design, Software development, and the like. 

4. Network with colleagues 

A good way to stay ahead in the game is by collaborating with other experts in your field and attending conferences related to your sector. A key aspect to making money in tech in Nigeria is networking. Connecting with entrepreneurs, investors, and other professionals in the field can open doors to new opportunities and allow you to gain insight into various aspects of the industry. Social media platforms such as LinkedIn and Twitter are great tools for finding mentors, learning about upcoming events, and creating meaningful relationships. Attending conferences and meetups organized around specific topics related to the industry will give you even more exposure. Networking opens up possibilities and leads to collaborations that can take your business to new heights. It also provides insight into emerging technologies and potential markets which could prove beneficial if properly tapped into.

5. Marketing 

Finally, don't forget to take advantage of digital marketing tactics such as SEO optimization, pay-per-click advertising, email campaigns, content creation, influencer marketing, and social media outreach. Doing so will enable you to reach larger audiences and potentially increase your customer base. As long as you have the proper strategies and resources in place, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to make money in tech in Nigeria.


DABA is offering you the opportunity to turn your life around by learning a tech skill and making it a viable source of income. By registering at daba.school, you are exposed to learning a wide range of in-demand skills that are guaranteed to give you financial freedom.

Making money in the tech industry in Nigeria is no easy feat, but it’s not impossible either. If you have the necessary skills and determination, you can make a decent living out of your tech venture. From coding to design to marketing, there are plenty of ways for ambitious entrepreneurs to bring their ideas to fruition and earn a living in the process. 

The bottom line is, don't give up – making money in the Nigerian tech market can be done! It simply requires dedication, patience, and a bit of luck! Understanding your niche, staying informed about the latest trends, and collaborating with other professionals are all integral steps toward success.

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