A New Year: 7 Resolutions You Can Stick To

Maureen Eugene
By Maureen Eugene
4 min read
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Making new year resolutions has become a habit to you once it comes around. The fact that you always make plans for things you want to do and look forward to is excellent.

But to be honest, how often do you stick to those new year resolutions? A new year is a great time for change and if you did not stick to last year's resolutions, you could do better this new year. In this article, we've compiled 7 new resolutions you can stick to in the new year.

Set Personal Goals

The first thing you should note is that your goals should align with your dreams, aspirations and purpose. Set goals that motivate you and ensure that these goals are not influenced by anyone. There is always a feeling of contentment when you achieve personal goals that resonate well with your dreams and purpose. You will find that feelings of frustration and resentment would be absent when you focus on things that you are passionate about. So to make the new year productive, set goals that are in line with your aspirations.

Prepare For Change 

One of the things that is constant in life is change. And although many people do not adapt to it easily, you shouldn't be one of them. Mentally prepare for change because there are certain behaviours you'd have to drop if you want to achieve your goals. One thing that'll help you is to take a personal test. Go through your goals for the previous year and highlight where you made progress. Identify the factors that made the goal successful and outline areas that you weren't impressed with. Doing this will give you clarity when drafting out new goals and plans. 

 Build a Working Budget 

You should have a working budget for this new year. There is always an opportunity for you to earn more and with better earnings, you should save more. Your budget should include short- and long-term savings, fees for courses and books, and funds for immediate necessities. When you build a working budget, you'd understand how you can use your money better. 

Stop Procrastination

Procrastination is the easiest way to forget about your resolutions. You shouldn't think you have enough time to achieve your goals because the year just started. If anything, you should work towards putting things in place immediately. This is because resolutions help you formulate productive habits, and the faster you become accustomed to them, the easier it is for you to work. Start from today to take those baby steps, because consistency is key to success. 

Try new things

Working hard could be tasking your brain and most times you'd encounter mental blocks. To prevent that from happening, you should exercise your brain often. Take a break from work, catch some sleep or take a walk. You could also watch funny videos on social media, play games, visit with friends and engage in some light reading. You need your brain to be functional at all times if you want the best results from your resolutions. There are several courses that you could enrol in but you should enrol in courses that interest you. You could sign up for baking, crypto or graphic design courses. These courses would not only help your self-development as an individual, but they'll also pay you in the long run. 

So, which course would you sign up for today at DABA

Regularly Review Your Resolutions

The thing with the new year resolutions is that you constantly have to remind yourself that you have goals to achieve. So make it a habit to regularly review your resolutions. You could do this monthly or quarterly. By doing this, you would know how much progress you have made and seeing your progress would encourage you to do more.

Take Better Care of Your Health

The last resolution you should stick to is to take good care of your health. Health is wealth and without good health, there's not much that you will achieve. So drink lots of water, cut down on your alcohol intake and eat healthy foods. Fruits should be a part of your diet and you should add exercise as a routine.


Although these resolutions seem basic, they are not that easy. And the only way you could go through with them is if you're determined to.

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